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Journal of Lipid Research

The bile acid chenodeoxycholic acid associates with reduced stroke in humans and mice

Yeo, Xin Yi, Tam Dao, Yunju Jo, Jung Kim, Dongryeol Ryu, Jia Chan*, and Sangyong Jung*. ‘Polar Lipids Supplementation Enhances Basal Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Primary Cortical Neuron’. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, June 2024.

*Corresponding authors

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Molecular Neurodegeneration

NOTCH2NLC GGC intermediate repeat with serine induces hypermyelination and early Parkinson’s disease-like phenotypes in mice

Tu, Haitao, Xin Yi Yeo, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Wei Zhou, Jayne Yi Tan, Li Chi, Sook-Yoong Chia, et al. ‘NOTCH2NLC GGC Intermediate Repeat with Serine Induces Hypermyelination and Early Parkinson’s Disease-like Phenotypes in Mice’. Molecular Neurodegeneration 19, 28 November 2024.


Advanced Materials

Plant‐Based Shape Memory Cryogel for Hemorrhage Control

Deng, Jingyu, Ze Zhao, Xin Yi Yeo, Chunmo Yang, Jueying Yang, Abdul Rahim Ferhan, B. Jin, Chansik Oh, Sangyong Jung*, Subra Suresh*, Namjoon Cho*. ‘Plant‐Based Shape Memory Cryogel for Hemorrhage Control’. Advanced Materials, July, 2024.

*Corresponding authors

Pipette Dropper

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research

Polar lipids supplementation enhances basal excitatory synaptic transmission in primary cortical neuron

Yeo, Xin Yi, Tam Dao, Yunju Jo, Jung Kim, Dongryeol Ryu, Jia Chan, and Sangyong Jung. ‘Polar Lipids Supplementation Enhances Basal Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Primary Cortical Neuron’. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, June, 2024.


Frontiers in Immunology

Emergence of the Brain-Border Immune Niches and Their Contribution to the Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Tan, Li Yang, Grace Cunliffe, Michael Patrick Hogan, Xin Yi Yeo, Chansik Oh, Bohwan Jin, Junmo Kang, Junho Park, Min-Soo Kwon, MinYoung Kim, and Sangyong Jung. "Emergence of the Brain-Border Immune Niches and Their Contribution to the Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases." Frontiers in Immunology, May 15, 2024, https//



A Consolidated Understanding of the Contribution of Redox Dysregulation in the Development of Hearing Impairment

Yeo, Xin Yi, Soohyun Kwon, Kimberley R. Rinai, Sungsu Lee, Sangyong Jung*, and Raekil Park*.  "A Consolidated Understanding of the Contribution of Redox Dysregulation in the Development of Hearing Impairment". Antioxidants 13(5):598, 2024, https//

*Corresponding authors


ACS Nano

Elucidating Structural Configuration of Lipid Assemblies for mRNA Delivery Systems

Tae, Hyunhyuk, Soohyun Park, Li Yang Tan, Chungmo Yang, Yong-An Lee, Younghwan Choe, Torsten Wüstefeld, Sangyong Jung*, and Nam-Joon Cho*. “Elucidating Structural Configuration of Lipid Assemblies for mRNA Delivery Systems.” ACS Nano, April 19, 2024, acsnano.4c00587.

*Corresponding authors



CaBP1 and 2 Enable Sustained CaV1.3 Calcium Currents and Synaptic Transmission in Inner Hair Cells

Oestreicher, David, Shashank Chepurwar, Kathrin Kusch, Vladan Rankovic, Sangyong Jung, Nicola Strenzke, and Tina Pangrsic. “CaBP1 and 2 Enable Sustained CaV1.3 Calcium Currents and Synaptic Transmission in Inner Hair Cells.” Preprint, January 17, 2024.

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